Busy little bee…

This morning I got a little time to myself to sit with a cuppa and tend to my sorely neglected blog! Assessment time is almost upon me again, less than a week to go, plus the opening of the student exhibition tomorrow night, which should be good fun as always. I have two more images to go in order to make my final fourteen. I have loved this class- ‘Photographic Design’ has probably been my favourite so far. The lights went on so to speak, as I began to consciously identify, the elements that make a photograph work or not work as the case may be. It’s certainly added something extra to my photographic composition, I do see improvements compared to a year ago which makes this study so enjoyable and worthwhile.

Besides all of this bustle, there is of course, my little business I’m slowly building from the ground up. I’m in no immediate hurry because I’m still studying and therefore don’t want to overcommit myself (factoring in my other occupation and general parental and domestic responsibilities). However I do now have a logo, an ABN and a registered business name, so that was an exciting little step for me on the journey. Have been continuing on my maternity photography journey with my lovely client Riarna, including a lovely couples shoot up in the foothills last weekend. Maternity is absolutely something that will be a focus for me- no pun intended. With Riarna, it’s been fortnightly as I previously mentioned, and largely conducted within the same suburb, so we’ve had fun walking around trying to see and create something slightly different each time. I’ve always liked outdoor portraits.

Right now, I’m portfolio building as time and opportunities permit and thoroughly enjoying the process. In my between term break, I’m going to have a go at a low- key portrait shoot and some families/ children.

Right now, I have a hi-key and a texture shot to produce ready for assessment next week. My blonde, blue-eyed daughter in her white dress is about to come in mighty handy :D

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