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This is very topical for me right now. I’m quite sure it is for many other photographers too. I like a practical example when someone is explaining something to me, so let’s use one. Let’s say I’m looking for a new iPhone. I know that Apple manufacture this product, no one else does. However, this…
No, this title is not as suggestive as it may sound. I’m inspired today to talk about passion, about commitment and dedication. As my regular readers are aware, I completed my Cert IV in Photoimaging this year, and have been having a much- needed hiatus from study. Throughout the 2 years that it took me…
Since I’m home sick today, I thought I’d take this enforced moment of rest to blog :) Those of you who tune in regularly will know that I have recently completed my Cert IV in Photoimaging- a huge milestone for me. One of my images, which happened to be my favourite, was selected for the…
Well my final assessment for my Cert IV in Photoimaging is complete! What a wonderful feeling. I’m going to take a well- deserved break from study before commencing my Diploma. I plan to use this time to further develop my skills & my business, in between life’s other joys and responsibilities. I think my…